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as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters

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Ocean Avenue
as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters Empty
MessageSujet: as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters EmptySam 12 Jan - 23:21

carlisle andrew △ michaels

prénom(s) carlisle andrew ↝ nom michaels ↝ âge 22 ans ↝ date de naissance 26 décembre 1990 ↝ ville d'origine phoenix ↝ profession actuelle sommelier ↝ état civil célibataire ↝ année d'arrivée à ojai 2011 ↝ groupe newcomers

ses qualités

ses défauts

~ aveugle depuis un accident de voiture qui a coûté la vie à son jumeau, il a fui sa ville d'origine, Phoenix et s'est réfugié à Ojai où il a sans mal trouvé du travail comme sommelier grâce à son talent - il fume comme un pompier mais il paraît que ça lui donne un charme particulier - même si il ne peut plus les voir, il collectionne les tatouages - il a coupé les ponts avec sa famille et ne veut plus entendre parler d'eux, ces imbéciles qui lui reprochent la mort de son double ne lui manquant pas le moins du monde - il aurait du se marier mais sa belle a préféré lui abandonner sa fille et partir avec un mec dont les cinq sens fonctionnent ; il vit donc seul avec sa fille de six ans, mais s'en sort plutôt bien

andrew biersack - personnage inventé


J'étais un étudiant. Heureux. Deux choses que je n'ai plus aujourd'hui, en vérité. Je vivais en colocation avec mon frère jumeau pendant que je passais un master en oenotourisme alors que lui préférait la fac de médecine. Il voulait être neurochirurgien, et il était assez doué pour y arriver. J'avais une vie normale d'étudiant qui plus tard se voit réussir sa vie ; ce rêve, nous l'avions en commun. Mais il a été foudroyé en plein vol. Certains diront que je ne méritais pas à être connu à cette époque parce que j'étais plus à l'écart, parce que je ne cherchais pas à m'intégrer à la société : tant que j'avais mon frère et ma fille je me foutais du reste.

Il fallait bien que j'aille quelque part. En fait, je cherchais absolument à quitter Phoenix. Après ce foutu accident de voiture où j'ai perdu mon jumeau et la vue ma famille m'a carrément rejeté, amère, oubliant que je n'étais que le passager ce soir là et que mon frère n'avait rien à se reprocher. A qui la faute si un suicidaire s'engage à contresens sur la route ? Pas même à lui. Je veux dire qui pouvait prévoir en partant qu'il devrait se jeter dans un ravin pour éviter cette foutue bagnole ? On n'avait même pas bu, rien, aucun de nous deux n'est responsable au fond. Mais j'ai survécu, alors pour eux j'étais coupable. Je n'aurais pas pu supporter ça longtemps.

Je dirais que je m'en sors pas mal. Certains moments sont encore difficiles mais j'ai ma fille, un boulot stable, un appartement convenable ... Ma cécité a été très difficile à vivre au départ, et peut être plus pour Athena que pour moi, mais on s'y est faits. Elle sait que maintenant son papa ne peut plus lui dire comme elle est belle ou trouver quelque chose seul dans le frigo mais qu'il l'aime toujours autant alors elle a fini par arrêter de me tirer dans les jambes. Puis mes sens se sont comme aiguisés, et c'est grâce à ça j'avoue que j'ai pu obtenir ce travail : avant je n'avais que des connaissances banales, je ne valais pas mieux qu'un autre. Mais professionnellement ils appellent ma cécité une bénédiction ... Et ils n'ont peut être pas tort.

we could leave this town and run forever

hors jeu

prénom(s) c. ↝ pseudo wretched glory ↝ âge 21 ans ↝ où avez-vous connu le forum sais plus ↝ fréquence de connexion par semaine environ 4/7, parfois plus ↝ commentaire ? questions ? nan mon général
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Echo Koehl-Valy
ADMINISTRATEUR ✘ fragile bird.
Echo Koehl-Valy
▸ ÂGE : 21 y. old
▸ JOB : cuisinier/serveur.
▸ MESSAGES : 508
▸ HERE SINCE : 02/01/2013
Ocean Avenue
as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters Empty
MessageSujet: Re: as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters EmptySam 12 Jan - 23:36

sommelier. as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters 678593547 claaaaasse. as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters 744714710 BIENNVENUE. as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters 678593547
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Park S. Andreïs
MEMBRE ✘ that was kinda weird.
Park S. Andreïs
« Des papillons dans l'estomac, dit-on. Quelle métaphore idiote ! Plutôt des abeilles tueuses, oui. » ▸ MESSAGES : 990
▸ HERE SINCE : 12/01/2013
Ocean Avenue
as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters Empty
MessageSujet: Re: as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters EmptySam 12 Jan - 23:41

Même si je connais pas ton avatar ... Il a trop la CLASSE as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters 26920972
Je suis new aussi mais je te dis bienvenu as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters 744714710 (j'avais le droit hein? sinon jfais la rebelle o/)
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Ephraïm S. Hopkins
MEMBRE ✘ that was kinda weird.
Ephraïm S. Hopkins
as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters Tumblr_lqq9c6DLnM1qeys9ko1_500 ▸ MESSAGES : 125
▸ HERE SINCE : 10/01/2013
Ocean Avenue
as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters Empty
MessageSujet: Re: as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters EmptySam 12 Jan - 23:56

Sommelier, je crois que tu vas devoir aussi cueillir les raisins vu le petit village. *PAN* as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters 1490946511
Super choix d'avatar également même si je le connais pas. I love you
Papa à 16 ans donc ? La vache j'ai hâte d'en savoir plus sur le personnage. as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters 3135648354
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Ocean Avenue
as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters Empty
MessageSujet: Re: as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters EmptyDim 13 Jan - 0:06

Je te vénère as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters 1347536052

Ce perso a l'air touchant ;_;
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Ocean Avenue
as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters Empty
MessageSujet: Re: as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters EmptyDim 13 Jan - 0:07

Whoa Echo t'avais pas menti, déjà rien qu'à l'accueil je sens que je vais me plaire ici as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters 1719561308

Merci à tous as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters 4024164498
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Echo Koehl-Valy
ADMINISTRATEUR ✘ fragile bird.
Echo Koehl-Valy
▸ ÂGE : 21 y. old
▸ JOB : cuisinier/serveur.
▸ MESSAGES : 508
▸ HERE SINCE : 02/01/2013
Ocean Avenue
as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters Empty
MessageSujet: Re: as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters EmptyDim 13 Jan - 5:16

je ne mens jamais. as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters 678593547 as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters 744714710 Arrow
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Ocean Avenue
as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters Empty
MessageSujet: Re: as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters EmptyDim 13 Jan - 9:07

Bienvenue et j'ai hâte de voir quel personnage tu vas nous concocter. as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters 388342071 as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters 1982824801
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Ocean Avenue
as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters Empty
MessageSujet: Re: as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters EmptyDim 13 Jan - 9:51

C. Andrew Michaels a écrit:
Whoa Echo t'avais pas menti, déjà rien qu'à l'accueil je sens que je vais me plaire ici as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters 1719561308

Merci à tous as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters 4024164498
Je te l'avais dit aussi as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters 3625842762 as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters 1488280202 Arrow
Biiiiiiiiiiiiienvenue as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters 1982824801 as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters 1982824801 as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters 1982824801 T'inquiète pas, tu vas te faire pleins d'amis, tu vas voir, c'est so fun as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters 2684926262
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Ruby Gilmore
MEMBRE ✘ that was kinda weird.
Ruby Gilmore
as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters Tumblr_inline_mgowtqnkBN1re3nb7 ▸ ÂGE : seize ans
▸ JOB : patissière et fleuriste
▸ MESSAGES : 363
▸ HERE SINCE : 10/01/2013
Ocean Avenue
as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters Empty
MessageSujet: Re: as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters EmptyDim 13 Jan - 9:57

Bienvenue parmi nous avec ce personnage super original as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters 678593547 as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters 284933764
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Ocean Avenue
as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters Empty
MessageSujet: Re: as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters EmptyDim 13 Jan - 10:00

Oh, comme ton personnage est touchant, il a vraiment pas eu de chance dans sa vie, quand même as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters 477632958 Tu es sadique avec lui as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters 4208657073 Déjà qu'il est aveugle, en plus de ça, son frère jumeau est mort, sa copine l'a plaquée, et il se retrouve coincé ici avec sa fille, c'est moche as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters 2684926262 Tu as trouvé du boulot comme sommelier, tu es vachement fort, je pense que tu pourras bosser au restaurant, même s'il n'est pas toujours ouvert, haha as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters 1488280202

Tu es validé, alors tu habiteras 20 ventura ave. avec marcia szermann, pour le moment, c'est pas chouette, ça as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters 3265981769
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Meadow Koehl-Valy
MEMBRE ✘ that was kinda weird.
Meadow Koehl-Valy
as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters 1357821803-tumblr-mbe29qtpjr1qa4rojo6-250 ▸ ÂGE : 21 ans
▸ JOB : Aucun
▸ MESSAGES : 139
▸ HERE SINCE : 09/01/2013
Ocean Avenue
as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters Empty
MessageSujet: Re: as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters EmptyDim 13 Jan - 18:28

ANDY SIX BON SANG SA MÈRE LA PUTE as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters 284933764
(aucun smiley n'exprime clairement mes feelings envers ce mec)
Et moi qui croyait être la seule à le jouer #bim
Bienvenue parmi nous! ♥️ (en retard)
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Ocean Avenue
as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters Empty
MessageSujet: Re: as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters Empty

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as long as you know who you are as a person nothing else in the world matters

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